Sunday, August 5, 2012

July 20th (names of blurred cities)

So after doing a little research (Mainly mapping the cities on Google Maps and looking around for something close to the blurred names) I have discovered the cities to which my great grandfather writes.  Below I am going to post a map, courtesy of Google Maps, that will show his trip so far.  Hopefully this will shed some light on the path he is on.

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July 20 (This one was very tough. They get easier though)

July 20:- We are served at St. Brieus with coffee by* (not sure he wrote by) French Soldiers.  After leaving (I can't make out the words to this part, if you can, let me know) ... into a heavy rain storm.  Arrived Reasures* (Can't tell what city this is) about 10:45 a.m.  Buy some oranges, some bread and chocolate.  While passing through this city we count a number of German prisoners of war.
     Passed through Laval about about 12:00 a.m.  Had my first conversation with a French a.m., a soldier in the infantry (the next part is unreadable) of war.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

July 19 (This passage is hard to make out.. Sorry.)

July 19:-  Hiked from fort to Burt.  Boarder train at 7:20 p.m. 19:20 a.m. French time.  Started for somewhere about 10:30 p.m. (22:30).  All a around at toy-like trains, all freight cars are marked {36-40 hommes; 8 chevaux/ 36-40 men; 8 horses}.  We ride about 3rd class passangers.  Rough and not much sleep.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 18

July 18:- About 100 of our men stricken with slight ptomaine poison. I was among the 100.  Effected some very bad, others not so much.

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 16 & 17

July 16:- We debark, and hike about three or four miles to Pontanezen Barracks.  It is an old French Fort, reported to have been begun by one of the Caesar's and finished by Napoleon.  It is very quaint indeed.  The dungeons, platforms for shooting spies, old-fashioned washing places.

July 17:- I have just finished washing my clothes.  Had a bath.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 15

July 15:-  1:30 p.m.  Archived the Bay of Brest.  After a very uneventful voyage.  We met no submarines, though the ship just in front of us was reported sunk.  One of our convoys rescued a party of men drifting around in a life boat.  We had no convoys until the last two days.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 8

July 8:-  6:25 p.m.  We are all on deck, the boat begins to move, the band to play, "The Star Spangled Banner."  7:25 p.m.  We sail past the Statue of Liberty and are out to sea.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 7

July 7:- 8 a.m. We transferred to ferryboat "Cureinmate" (*Not sure if this is the correct name*), and journeyed to Hoboken.  Boarded U.S.S. Leviathan old Vaterland.  A magnificent ship.  Quartered out the deck forward.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 6

July 6:- Boarded train about 4 o'clock in afternoon to leave for somewhere. Pulled out about 4:30.  Arrived in Jersey City N.J. about 11:30.  Spent the night on coach in Penn. Station.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

June 25, 1918

June 25:- Walren, Davis and I are made Sergeants and are now in the 79th Division of the U.S. National Army.

Friday, July 20, 2012

June 20, 1918

June 20:-  Capt. Wicks has chosen the following five men for service abroad:- Sgts. Sullivan and Schrader, Pvts. Walren, Davis, and Wren.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

May 21-31, 1918

May 21-31:-  My furlough and visit home.  All of which I enjoyed very much.  Most of the fellows were away in the service.  I enjoyed being with home folks and the trip to Fulton on Sunday.

May 16, 1918

May 16, 1918:-  Call for volunteers to transfer to the Division Q.M. for service abroad.  I volunteered.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

March 4, 1918

March 4, 1918:- Transferred to the Camp Q.M. and placed in the finance office, where I began my work in payroll.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Dec. 14, 1917

Dec. 14, 1917

     Took my examination and entered the army.
     From now on until the next date I spent in the Depot Brigade, 154-32nd Co. drilling, lugging logs, and a good many other types of rough work.  All quite a new experience to me and I enjoyed it though rather rough at times.

Dec. 13, 1917

Dec:-13, 1917
    Went to recruiting station and gave my name for enlistment U.S.A.Q.M.C., after having consulted with recruiting officer.
     Journeyed to Camp Mead Md.  Hiked about 1 mile through rain and snow to barracks.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


     So to start off, this diary was sent to me by my grandmother before she moved into an assisted living home.  Along with the diary was a 75mm French artillery shell (these shells were banned from being brought home so it was designed into a vase, but the bottom of the shell tells the real story).  I never had the privilege of meeting my great-grandfather, yet this diary tells a lot about him.  I am going to do my best to type it exactly as it is written, although much of the handwriting is hard to understand.  Finally, before I begin, at the end of the diary there is a list of names and addresses that I will also list on here.  I am not going to change any names as I type the diary either.  My hope is that a relative of one of the individuals listed within my great-grandfathers diary may read this and have some connected information.  Anyways, let's get started.

F. L. Wren (Frank L. Wren)
Sgt. Q.M.C
December 13, 1917
May 4, 1919

This book was given to me by Monroe Stockett of Washington D.C. just before I boarded the train for "Somewhere in France."